Fuel injector (1.6 and 1.8 litre (R6A type) CVH) - removal and refitting
Caution: Refer to the precautions in Section 1 before proceeding.
1.6 litre
Note: New fuel injector seals must be used on
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Remove the air cleaner.
3 Depressurise the fuel system.
4 Release the securing lugs, and disconnect the fuel injector wiring plug (see illustration).
16.4 Disconnecting the fuel injector wiring plug
5 Bend back the injector retaining collar securing bolt locktabs, then unscrew the bolts. Remove the injector retaining collar (see illustrations).
16.5a Removing an injector retaining collar securing bolt and locktab
16.5b Removing the injector retaining collar
6 Withdraw the injector from the CFI unit (see illustration), noting its orientation, then withdraw the injector seals.
16.6 Withdrawing the fuel injector
7 Remove the seal from the injector retaining collar (see illustration).
16.7 Removing the seal from the injector retaining collar
8 Refitting is a reversal of removal, noting the following points.
9 Use new injector seals, and lubricate them with clean engine oil before fitting.
10 Ensure that the locating peg on the injector is correctly positioned (see illustration).
16.10 Align locating peg on injector with slot in CFI unit on refitting - 1.6
litre CVH
1.8 litre
11 On these engines, the fuel pressure
regulator and injector are one assembly.
Proceed as described for the fuel pressure regulator.
Fuel injector ballast resistor (1.6 litre CVH) - removal and refitting
1 The ballast resistor is located on the righthand side of the engine compartment, and is only fitted to 1.6 litre engines (see illustration).
17.1 Fuel injector ballast resistor location (arrowed)
2 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
3 Disconnect the ballast resistor wiring connector, then remove the securing screw, and withdraw the ballast resistor from the body panel.
4 Refitting is a reversal of removal.
See also:
Front brake disc - inspection, removal and refitting
Note: Before starting work, refer to the
warning at the beginning of Section 2
concerning the dangers of asbestos dust.
1 Fully apply the handbrake then loosen the
front roadwheel bolt ...
Engine/manual gearbox assembly - removal and separation
Note: Refer to the warning in Section 8 before
proceeding. A suitable hoist and lifting tackle
will be required for this operation.
1 Proceed as described in Section 9,
paragraphs 1 to 17 ...
Engine - removal leaving automatic transmission in vehicle
Note: A suitable hoist and lifting tackle will be
required for this operation.
1 Proceed as described in Section 8,
paragraphs 1 to 15 inclusive. Additionally, if
applicable disconnect the kickdow ...