Handbrake lever - removal and refitting
1 Chock the rear wheels, jack up the front of
the vehicle and support on axle stands.
Release the handbrake. Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Slacken the handbrake cable adjuster.
3 Extract the securing circlip and pivot pin, and detach the handbrake equaliser from the linkage on the underbody (see illustration).
29.3 Handbrake equaliser and linkage on underbody
4 Working inside the vehicle, remove the handbrake lever rubber gaiter and/or the centre console, as necessary.
5 Disconnect the wiring connector from the handbrake “on” warning switch.
6 Unscrew the two handbrake lever mounting bolts, and carefully lift the lever through the underfloor gaiter.
7 If required, the handbrake “on” warning switch can be removed.
8 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but on
completion, adjust the handbrake cable.
Brake pedal - removal and refitting
1 Remove the clutch pedal as described in
Chapter 6.
2 Extract the inboard circlip from the brake pedal end of the pivot shaft (see illustration).
30.2 Extract the inboard circlip (arrowed) to remove the pedal pivot shaft
3 The brake pedal can now be removed from the pedal bracket by sliding out the pivot shaft, noting the position of any washers and spacers which may be fitted.
4 If desired, the nylon bushes can be prised from each side of the pedal for renewal, and the brake lamp switch removed.
5 Refitting is a reversal of removal, fitting any
washers and spacers in their original
positions. Refit the clutch pedal.
See also:
Throttle body - removal and refitting
Note: A tachometer and an exhaust gas
analyser will be required to check the idle
mixture on completion. A new gasket must be
used when refitting the throttle body.
2.0 litre SOHC models
1 Discon ...
Crankshaft and bearings - examination and renovation
1 Examine the bearing surfaces of the
crankshaft for scratches or scoring and, using
a micrometer, check each journal and
crankpin for ovality. Where this is found to be
in excess of 0.0254 mm (0. ...
Oil pump - dismantling, inspection and reassembly
Note: A new pressure relief valve plug and
pick-up tube gasket will be required for
1 If oil pump wear is suspected, check the
cost and availability of new parts and the c ...