Engine/transmission - removal and separation

Note: Suitable lifting tackle will be required for this operation.

Carburettor engines
1 The engine is removed complete with the transmission in a downward direction and then withdrawn from under the front of the car.

2 Disconnect the battery negative lead.

3 Place the transmission in fourth gear on four-speed manual transmission models or reverse gear on the five-speed unit, to aid adjustment of the gearchange linkage when refitting. On models produced from February 1987 onwards, place the transmission in second gear on four-speed versions, or fourth gear on five-speed versions.

4 Refer to Chapter 11 and remove the bonnet.

5 Refer to Chapter 4, Part B and remove the air cleaner.

6 Refer to Chapter 1 and drain the cooling system.

7 Disconnect the radiator top and bottom hoses and the expansion tank hose at the thermostat housing.

8 Disconnect the heater hoses from the automatic choke, thermostat housing and inlet manifold as applicable.

9 Disconnect the throttle cable and where fitted the choke cable ends from the carburettor throttle levers (see illustration).

11.9 Disconnecting the throttle cable end (1.3 litre carburettor engine)
11.9 Disconnecting the throttle cable end (1.3 litre carburettor engine)

Unbolt the cable support bracket and move the bracket and cable(s) to one side.

10 Disconnect the fuel feed pipe from the fuel pump and plug the pipe. Where fitted disconnect the fuel return hose at the carburettor.

11 Disconnect the brake servo vacuum hose from the inlet manifold.

12 Disconnect the leads from the following electrical components:
a) Alternator (see illustration).

11.12a Disconnecting the alternator multiplug . . .
11.12a Disconnecting the alternator multiplug . . .

b) Cooling fan temperature switch and temperature sender (see illustrations).

11.12b . . . cooling fan switch . . .
11.12b . . . cooling fan switch . . .

11.12c . . . temperature sender . . .
11.12c . . . temperature sender . . .

c) Oil pressure switch (see illustration).

11.12d . . . oil pressure switch . . .
11.12d . . . oil pressure switch . . .

d) Reversing lamp switch (see illustration).

11.12e . . . reversing lamp switch . .
11.12e . . . reversing lamp switch . .

e) Anti-run-on valve solenoid (see illustration) and back bleed solenoid (where applicable).

11.12f . . . anti-run-on valve solenoid . . .
11.12f . . . anti-run-on valve solenoid . . .

f) Electric choke (where applicable).

g) Ignition coil.

h) Distributor (see illustration).

11.12g . . . distributor . . .
11.12g . . . distributor . . .

I) Starter motor solenoid (see illustration).

11.12h . . . and starter motor connections on the 1.3 litre carburettor
11.12h . . . and starter motor connections on the 1.3 litre carburettor engine

13 Unscrew the speedometer drive cable from the transmission and release the breather hose (see illustration).

11.13 Disconnect the speedometer cable (arrowed) at the transmission
11.13 Disconnect the speedometer cable (arrowed) at the transmission

14 Disconnect the transmission earth strap.

15 On manual transmission models disconnect the clutch cable from the release lever and from the transmission support.

16 Disconnect the exhaust downpipe from the manifold flange and support the system to avoid undue strain.

17 Apply the handbrake, jack up the front of the car and support it on stands to provide sufficient clearance beneath it to remove the engine/transmission from below. A distance of 686 mm (27.0 in) is recommended between the floor and the bottom edge of the front panel.

18 Disconnect the exhaust system from its flexible mountings and remove the system complete.

19 On manual transmission models disconnect the gearchange rod from the transmission selector shaft by releasing the clamp bolt and withdrawing the rod (see illustration). Tie the rod to the stabiliser and then where fitted, unhook the tension spring.

Unscrew the single bolt and disconnect the stabiliser from the transmission housing, noting the washer fitted between the stabiliser trunnion and the transmission.

11.19 Disconnect the gearchange rod at the selector shaft clamp
11.19 Disconnect the gearchange rod at the selector shaft clamp

20 On automatic transmission models refer to Chapter 7, Part B, and disconnect the starter inhibitor switch wiring, the selector cable and the downshift linkage.

21 Remove the driveshafts from the transmission using the procedure described in Chapter 8 for each driveshaft.

22 On pre-1986 models equipped with an anti-roll bar, undo the two bolts each side securing the anti-roll bar mounting clamps and remove the clamps.

23 On 1986 models onwards, undo the three bolts each side securing the anti-roll bar mounting plates to the body (see illustration).

11.23 Anti-roll bar mounting plate attachments - 1986 models onwards
11.23 Anti-roll bar mounting plate attachments - 1986 models onwards

24 On automatic transmission models undo the transmission fluid cooler pipes and withdraw the pipes. Plug the unions to prevent dirt Ingress.

25 Unbolt the right-hand and left-hand engine splash shields and remove them from under the car (see illustrations).

11.25a Remove the right-hand splash shield . . .
11.25a Remove the right-hand splash shield . . .

11.25b . . . and left-hand splash shield (arrowed)
11.25b . . . and left-hand splash shield (arrowed)

26 On cars equipped with an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) undo the hydraulic pipe mounting bracket bolt (see illustration).

Remove the modulator clamp bolt and pivot bolt each side and tie the modulator to the underbody (see Chapter 9).

11.26 Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) pipe bracket retaining bolt location
11.26 Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) pipe bracket retaining bolt location (arrowed)

27 Connect a suitable hoist to the engine using chains and the lifting brackets on the cylinder head.

28 Just take the weight of the engine/transmission assembly so that the tension is relieved from the mountings.

29 Unbolt the rear right-hand engine mounting (complete with coolant hose support on early models) from the side member and from the inner wing panel (see illustrations).

11.29a Rear right-hand engine mounting attachment (arrowed) at side member .
11.29a Rear right-hand engine mounting attachment (arrowed) at side member . . .

11.29b . . . and at the inner wing panel
11.29b . . . and at the inner wing panel

30 On pre-1986 models unbolt the left-hand front and rear transmission mountings from their brackets and remove the front mounting and anti-roll bar support plates from the body on both sides (see illustrations).

11.30a Detach the left-hand front (arrowed) . . .
11.30a Detach the left-hand front (arrowed) . . .

11.30b . . . and left-hand rear transmission mountings on pre-1986 models
11.30b . . . and left-hand rear transmission mountings on pre-1986 models

31 On 1986 models onwards undo the nuts and bolts securing the transmission support crossmember to the body (see illustration).

The crossmember is removed with the engine/transmission assembly.

11.31 Transmission support crossmember bolt locations - 1986 models onwards
11.31 Transmission support crossmember bolt locations - 1986 models onwards

32 Carefully lower the engine/transmission and withdraw it from under the car. To ease the withdrawal operation, lower the engine/ transmission onto a crawler board or a sheet of substantial chipboard placed on rollers or lengths of pipe (see illustration).

11.32 Removing the engine/transmission assembly from under the car
11.32 Removing the engine/transmission assembly from under the car

Separation (manual transmission models)
33 Unscrew and remove the starter motor bolts and remove the starter.

34 Unbolt and remove the clutch cover plate from the lower part of the clutch bellhousing.

35 Unscrew and remove the bolts from the clutch bellhousing-to-engine mating flange.

36 Withdraw the transmission from the engine. Support its weight so that the clutch assembly is not distorted while the input shaft is still in engagement with the splined hub of the clutch driven plate.

Separation (automatic transmission models)
37 Unscrew and remove the starter motor bolts and remove the starter motor.

38 Undo the two bolts and remove the torque converter cover plate.

39 Working through the cover plate aperture, unscrew and remove the four nuts securing the driveplate to the torque converter. For this to be accomplished it will be necessary to progressively turn the crankshaft for access to each nut in turn. Unscrew the nuts in a progressive manner, one turn at a time until removed.

40 Unscrew and remove the engine-totransmission flange bolts and then separate the two units, but take care not to catch the torque converter studs on the driveplate. The torque converter is only loosely attached, so keep it in position in the transmission housing during and after removal of the transmission.

Fuel injection engines
XR3i and Cabriolet models with mechanical (Bosch K-Jetronic) fuel injection 41 The engine is removed complete with the transmission in a downward direction and then withdrawn from under the front of the car.

42 Disconnect the battery negative lead.

43 Place the transmission in fourth gear on four-speed models or reverse gear on the fivespeed unit to aid adjustment of the gearchange linkage when refitting. On models produced from February 1987 onwards, place the transmission in second gear on four-speed versions, or fourth gear on five-speed versions.

44 Remove the bonnet (Chapter 11).

45 Drain the cooling system (Chapter 1).

46 Remove the air inlet hose between the fuel distributor and throttle housing.

47 Disconnect the radiator top and bottom hoses and the expansion tank hose at the thermostat housing.

48 Disconnect the heater hoses from the thermostat housing, and the three-way connection fitting on the oil cooler.

49 Disconnect the throttle cable end from the throttle lever and unbolt the cable bracket from the throttle housing.

50 Relieve the fuel system pressure by slowly loosening the fuel feed pipe union at the warm-up regulator. Absorb fuel leakage in a cloth. Reference to the fuel-injection system layout in Chapter 4, Part B will assist in identification of the relevant components where necessary.

51 Disconnect the vacuum servo hose from the inlet manifold.

52 Disconnect the two fuel pipe unions at the warm-up regulator, the single pipe to the cold start valve and the four injector feed pipes at the fuel distributor. Recover the sealing washers located on each side of the banjo unions and seal all disconnected pipes and orifices to prevent dirt ingress.

53 Disconnect the leads from the following electrical components:
a) Alternator.

b) Cooling fan temperature switch.

c) Oil pressure sender.

d) Reversing lamp switch.

e) Ignition coil.

f) Distributor.

g) Starter motor solenoid.

h) Cold start valve.

j) Warm-up regulator.

k) Auxiliary air device.

l) Throttle valve stop earth cable.

54 Unscrew the speedometer drive cable from the transmission and release the breather hose.

55 Disconnect the transmission earth strap.

56 Disconnect the clutch cable from the release lever and from the transmission support.

57 The remainder of the removal procedure is the same as described previously for carburettor engines in paragraphs 16 to 32 inclusive.

1.4 CFI (Central Fuel Injection) and 1.6 EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) engines 58 Proceed as described in paragraphs 41 to 49 inclusive, ignoring the reference to the fuel distributor.

59 Disconnect all relevant hoses, pipes and wiring to facilitate engine removal, with reference to the relevant Parts of Chapters 4 and 5.

60 Proceed as described in paragraphs 54 to 57 inclusive.

RS Turbo models
61 Disconnect the battery negative lead.

62 Place the transmission in reverse gear to aid adjustment of the gearchange linkage when refitting. On models produced from February 1987 onwards, place the transmission in fourth gear.

63 Remove the bonnet (Chapter 11).

64 Drain the cooling system (Chapter 1).

65 Disconnect the air inlet hose and connecting hose at the inlet air duct.

Disconnect the charge air temperature sensor multi plug, undo the two bolts securing the air duct to the rocker cover and remove the duct.

66 Undo the two bolts and remove the air cleaner assembly from the fuel distributor (see illustration).

11.66 Air cleaner retaining bolts (arrowed) on RS Turbo models
11.66 Air cleaner retaining bolts (arrowed) on RS Turbo models

67 Disconnect the radiator top and bottom hoses at the thermostat housing, radiator and turbocharger return pipe as applicable.

68 Disconnect the heater hoses from the thermostat housing, three-way connector piece and inlet manifold as applicable.

69 Remove the turbocharger (Chapter 4, Part B).

70 Disconnect the crankcase ventilation hose at the rocker cover and the two vacuum hoses from the top of the inlet manifold (see illustration). Release the hoses from their clips.

11.70 Vacuum and breather hose connections - RS Turbo
11.70 Vacuum and breather hose connections - RS Turbo

A Crankcase ventilation hose at rocker cover B Vacuum hoses at inlet manifold C Retaining clips
D Vacuum servo hose

71 Disconnect the vacuum servo hose from the inlet manifold.

72 Disconnect the hose at the solenoid control valve.

73 Disconnect the throttle cable at the throttle housing.

74 Relieve the fuel system pressure by slowly loosening the cold start valve union on the top of the fuel distributor. Absorb fuel leakage in a cloth (see illustration).

11.74 Fuel pipe connections - RS Turbo
11.74 Fuel pipe connections - RS Turbo

A Fuel injectors B Cold start valve

75 Disconnect the fuel pipes at the fuel injectors and at the cold start valve. Recover the sealing washers located on each side of the banjo unions and seal all disconnected pipes and orifices to prevent dirt ingress.

Move the fuel pipes clear of the engine.

76 Disconnect the wiring multi plugs at the temperature gauge sender unit, ignition coil, throttle position sensor, solenoid control valve, coolant temperature sensor, thermotime switch, cold start valve, oil pressure switch and auxiliary air device (see illustration).

11.76 Coolant temperature sensor (A) thermo-time switch (B) and auxiliary air
11.76 Coolant temperature sensor (A) thermo-time switch (B) and auxiliary air device (C) multi-plugs on RS Turbo models

77 Disconnect the speedometer cable from the transmission and the fuel computer multiplug (where fitted).

78 Disconnect the transmission earth strap.

79 Disconnect the clutch cable from the release lever and from the transmission support.

80 The remainder of the removal procedure is the same as described previously for carburettor engines in paragraphs 17 to 32 inclusive.

Separation (all models)
81 Separation from the manual or automatic transmission is as described previously for carburettor engines.

    See also:

    Hydraulic system - bleeding (conventional braking system)
    Note: On cars equipped with the Anti-lock Braking System, refer to Section 23. Warning: Hydraulic fluid is poisonous; wash off immediately and thoroughly in the case of skin contact, and seek imm ...

    Electronic modules - removal and refitting
    Note: Refer to Section 1 for precautions to be observed when working with electronic modules. 1 Disconnect the battery negative lead. All ESC modules except ESC (early “Economy” models) 2 All mo ...

    Carburettor (Pierburg 2V type) - removal and refitting
    1 Proceed as described for the Ford VV carburettor but note the following. 2 The Pierburg carburettor is not fitted with an anti-dieselling valve. 3 Disconnect all relevant wiring plugs and vacuu ...