Engine/manual gearbox assembly - reconnection and refitting

1.8 litre (R2A type)
1 Reverse the procedure described in Section 10, noting the following points.

2 Before attempting to reconnect the engine to the gearbox, check that the clutch friction disc is centralised. This is necessary to ensure that the gearbox input shaft splines will pass through the splines in the centre of the friction disc.

3 Check that the clutch release arm and bearing are correctly fitted, and lightly grease the input shaft splines.

4 Check that the engine adapter plate is correctly positioned on its locating dowels.

5 Reconnect the clutch cable to the release arm, ensuring that it is routed as noted during removal.

6 Fill the engine with the correct grade and quantity of oil.

7 Fill the cooling system.

8 Check and if necessary top-up the gearbox oil level.

9 Check and if necessary adjust the tension of the alternator drivebelt.

10 Adjust the throttle cable.

1.6 and 1.8 litre (R6A type) 11 Reverse the procedure described in Section 10, noting the points made above.

Ensure that the vehicle speed sensor wiring plug is reconnected.

    See also:

    Fuses, relays and circuit breakers - general information
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