Coolant pump - removal and refitting

1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.

2 Drain the cooling system.

3 Proceed as follows according to model: SOHC models
4 Disconnect the heater and radiator bottom hoses from the coolant pump.

5 Remove the thermo-viscous fan (Section 12).

6 If not already done, remove the coolant pump drivebelt, then unscrew the four retaining bolts and remove the coolant pump pulley. If necessary, the pulley can be prevented from turning using a strap wrench.

7 Unbolt and remove the timing belt cover.

8 Unscrew the three retaining bolts and remove the coolant pump and gasket from the front of the cylinder block. Note that on certain models, the alternator adjusting link is secured by the right-hand retaining bolt (see illustration).

9.8 Location of the alternator adjusting link under the right-hand retaining
9.8 Location of the alternator adjusting link under the right-hand retaining bolt

9 If the coolant pump is faulty, it must be renewed, as it is not possible to obtain individual components.

10 Before refitting, clean the mating faces of the coolant pump and cylinder block.

11 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing in mind the following points.

12 Use a new gasket, and tighten the retaining bolts to the specified torque.

13 Before fitting the coolant pump pulley, ensure that the timing belt cover support bolt is located in its hole in the pump.

14 Refill the cooling system.

CVH models
15 Unscrew the two securing nuts, and disconnect the coolant elbow from the left-hand side of the coolant pump (see illustration).

9.15 Disconnect the coolant elbow from the coolant pump
9.15 Disconnect the coolant elbow from the coolant pump

16 Remove the timing belt.

17 Unscrew the camshaft sprocket bolt and withdraw the distributor drive sleeve.

18 Screw the camshaft sprocket bolt part way back into the end of the camshaft, and using a suitable puller, pull the sprocket from the camshaft.

19 Remove the plastic rear timing belt cover.

20 Unscrew the two retaining bolts, and remove the timing belt tensioner (see illustration).

9.20 Remove the timing belt tensioner
9.20 Remove the timing belt tensioner

21 Unscrew the four securing bolts, and withdraw the coolant pump (see illustration).

9.21 Withdraw the coolant pump
9.21 Withdraw the coolant pump

22 If the coolant pump is faulty it must be renewed, as it is not possible to obtain individual components.

23 Before refitting, clean the mating faces of the coolant pump and cylinder block.

24 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing in mind the following points.

25 Use a new gasket, and tighten the securing bolts to the specified torque.

26 Before refitting the camshaft sprocket bolt, the threads must be coated with sealer (Loctite 74 or 274, or Omnifit 30M blue), as the bolt acts as an oil seal for the hollow camshaft. Do not forget to fit the distributor drive sleeve.

27 Correctly tension the timing belt.

28 Refill the cooling system.

DOHC models
Note: Before proceeding, take note of the following modifications: On models up to May 1990, the coolant hoses were connected to the coolant pump housing as shown (see illustration). On models from May 1990, the heater hose (A) and the expansion tank hose (B) connections were swapped over. If the hoses are disconnected on earlier models,they should be reconnected as on later models, ie connect the heater hose to connection “B”, and connect the expansion tank hose to connection “A”.

This will prevent the possibility of noises from the heater matrix due to air in the system.

29 On fuel injection models, for access to the coolant pump, remove the air inlet hose, plenum chamber, and air cleaner lid as an assembly.

9.29 Coolant pump housing hose connections
9.29 Coolant pump housing hose connections

A Heater hose connection - up to May 1990 B Expansion tank hose connection - up to May 1990 C Bottom radiator hose

30 Remove the coolant pump/alternator drivebelt.

31 If the pump pulley is to be removed, it is easiest to do this with the pump in position, as follows. Prevent the pulley from rotating using a strap wrench and unscrew the four pulley securing bolts. Withdraw the pulley.

32 Position a suitable container beneath the coolant pump, to catch the coolant which will be released as the pump is removed. Unscrew the five securing bolts, and withdraw the pump from the housing in the cylinder block (see illustration). Recover the O-ring seal.

9.32 Withdrawing the coolant pump from the cylinder block (engine removed)
9.32 Withdrawing the coolant pump from the cylinder block (engine removed)

33 Before refitting, clean the mating faces of the coolant pump and the cylinder block.

34 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing in mind the following points.

35 Use a new O-ring seal (see illustration).

9.35 Coolant pump O-ring (arrowed)
9.35 Coolant pump O-ring (arrowed)

36 Tighten the coolant pump securing bolts, and where applicable the pump pulley securing bolts, to the specified torque.

37 On completion, refill the cooling system.

Coolant pump/alternator drivebelt(s) - checking, renewal and tensioning

Refer to Chapter 1, Section 21.

    See also:

    Examination and renovation
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