Thermo-viscous cooling fan (SOHC models) - removal and refitting
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Remove the four retaining clips and unscrew the two retaining screws, then withdraw the upper section of the fan shroud (see illustrations).
12.2a Remove the retaining clips followed by the screws . . .
12.2b . . . and withdraw the upper section of the fan shroud
3 The cooling fan hub nut must now be unscrewed from the coolant pump drive flange. A thin cranked 32.0 mm (1.25 in AF) spanner with a jaw thickness not exceeding 5.0 mm (0.2 in) will be required (see illustration). Alternatively, if two of the coolant pump pulley bolts are removed, a normal thickness spanner can be used. Note that the fan hub nut has a left-hand thread, (ie it is undone in a clockwise direction.) If the pulley turns as the nut is undone, remove the drivebelt, and clamp an old drivebelt round the pulley to restrain it, using self-locking pliers. Tap the spanner with a mallet if required to remove the nut.
12.3 Modified spanner required for removing the thermo-viscous cooling fan X
= 25.0 mm (1.0 in) Y = 12.0 mm (0.5 in)
4 If required, the fan blades can be separated from the fan hub by unscrewing the four securing bolts.
5 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but where
applicable, take care not to overtighten the
bolts securing the fan blades to the fan hub,
as thread damage may require the whole unit
to be renewed. Where applicable, refit and
tension the drivebelt.
See also:
Front direction indicator lamp unit - removal and refitting
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
Models up to 1987
Low specification
2 Push the lamp unit rearwards into the
bumper until the plastic retaining tang is heard
to click in the locked positio ...
Air cleaner element renewal (Every 24 000 miles (40 000 km) or 2 years)
Carburettor models
1 Remove the screws from the top of the air
cleaner cover (see illustration).
38.1 Remove the air cleaner cover screws . . .
2 Where applicable release the spring clips
aroun ...
Heating and ventilation system - description
The heater is of the type which utilises
waste heat from the engine coolant. The
coolant is pumped through the matrix in the
heater casing where air, force-fed by a duplex
radial fan, disperses th ...