Engine/manual gearbox assembly - removal and separation

Note: A suitable hoist and lifting tackle will be required for this operation.

1.8 litre (R2A type)
1 Proceed as described in Section 8, paragraphs 1 to 15 inclusive.

2 Working inside the vehicle, unscrew the gear lever knob and remove the centre console. Where a full-length console is fitted, it is only necessary to remove the front tray.

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3 Detach the outer gaiter from the retaining frame and withdraw it over the gear lever.

4 Release the clips and remove the gaiter retaining frame and inner gaiter.

5 Using a suitable Torx key, remove the screws securing the gear lever to the gearbox extension housing, and withdraw the gear lever. Note how the base of the gear lever locates over the selector shaft.

6 Jack up the vehicle and support on axle stands (see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”).

Ensure that there is sufficient working room beneath the vehicle.

7 To improve access, disconnect the exhaust downpipe from the manifold and remove the exhaust system.

8 Remove the propeller shaft.

9 Where applicable bend back the locktabs, then unscrew the two bolts securing each of the two anti-roll bar U-clamps to the vehicle underbody. Lower the anti-roll bar as far as possible.

10 Proceed as described in Section 8, paragraphs 23 and 24.

11 Drain the engine oil into a container.

12 Unscrew the two nuts securing the engine mountings to the crossmember. Recover the washers.

13 Disconnect the wiring from the reversing lamp switch.

14 Remove the retaining circlip, and withdraw the speedometer cable from the gearbox extension housing.

15 Support the gearbox with a trolley jack, using a block of wood between the jack and the gearbox to spread the load.

16 Unscrew the four bolts securing the gearbox crossmember to the vehicle underbody. Unscrew the central bolt securing the crossmember to the gearbox and remove the crossmember. Note the position of the earth strap, where applicable. Recover the mounting cup and where applicable the exhaust mounting bracket and heat shield.

17 Make a final check to ensure that all relevant wires, pipes and hoses have been disconnected to facilitate removal of the engine/gearbox assembly.

18 Attach a hoist to the engine lifting brackets located at the front and rear of the cylinder head. Arrange the lifting tackle so that the engine/gearbox assembly will assume a steep angle of approximately 40º to 45º as it is being removed.

19 Raise the engine/gearbox so that the engine mounting studs are clear of the crossmember, then ease the assembly forwards, at the same time lowering the trolley jack which is supporting the gearbox. Lift the assembly from the vehicle, taking care not to damage the surrounding components.

20 With the engine/gearbox assembly removed, temporarily reconnect the anti-roll bar to the underbody if the vehicle is to be moved.

21 To separate the engine from the gearbox, proceed as follows.

22 Remove the starter motor.

23 Support the engine and gearbox horizontally on blocks of wood.

24 Unscrew and remove the engine-togearbox bolts, noting the location of the earth strap, and remove the two bolts from the engine adapter plate.

25 Pull the engine and gearbox apart, taking care not to strain the gearbox input shaft. It may be necessary to rock the units slightly to separate them.

1.6 and 1.8 litre (R6A type) 26 Proceed as described in paragraphs 30 to 40 inclusive of Section 8.

27 Proceed as described in paragraphs 2 to 25 inclusive of Section 10, noting the following points.

28 Disconnect the wiring from the vehicle speed sensor mounted on the gearbox before removing the engine/gearbox assembly.

29 Note that on 1.6 litre engines, the crankshaft speed/position sensor shroud (which is secured by a single bolt) must be removed before separating the engine from the gearbox.

    See also:

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