Ignition system component check (Every 6000 miles or 6 months)

1 Where applicable, remove the distributor cap and thoroughly clean it inside and out with a dry lint-free cloth. Examine the four HT lead segments inside the cap. If the segments appear badly burnt or pitted, renew the cap.

Make sure that the carbon brush in the centre of the cap is free to move and that it protrudes significantly from its holder.

2 Check the distributor cap for signs of tracking (indicated by thin black lines on the surface of the cap). Renew the cap if tracking is evident.

3 Wipe clean the HT leads and the coil tower.

4 Check the condition and security of all leads and wiring associated with the ignition system. Make sure that no chafing is occurring on any of the wires and that all connections are secure, clean and free from corrosion.

    See also:

    Heater motor/fan - removal and refitting
    Removal 1 Open the bonnet, disconnect the battery and pull off the rubber seal which seals the air inlet duct to the bonnet lid when the lid is closed. 2 Prise off the five spring clips from the ...

    Steering column - removal and refitting
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    Engine - removal leaving automatic transmission in vehicle
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