Centre console - removal and refitting

Models up to 1990
Full length console
1 Where applicable, prise the electric window switches from the front upper console panel and disconnect the wiring.

2 Remove the three securing screws from the front upper console panel, then withdraw the panel over the gear selector lever, at the same time releasing the rubber gaiter where applicable.

3 On “high specification” models, where applicable prise the electric window switches from the rear upper console panel and disconnect the wiring. Remove the five securing screws and withdraw the rear upper console panel (see illustrations).

44.3a Removing a rear upper console panel front retaining screw - “high
44.3a Removing a rear upper console panel front retaining screw - “high specification” model

44.3b Rear upper console panel rear retaining screws (arrowed)
44.3b Rear upper console panel rear retaining screws (arrowed)

4 On “low specification” models, remove the two securing screws and release the single rear clip, then withdraw the rear upper console panel.

5 Where applicable, remove the two screws securing the lower console centre bracket to the transmission tunnel, and remove the bracket.

6 Remove the six screws securing the lower console panel, and withdraw the panel (see illustrations).

44.6a Removing a lower console panel front securing screw . . .
44.6a Removing a lower console panel front securing screw . . .

44.6b . . . centre securing screw . . .
44.6b . . . centre securing screw . . .

44.6c . . . and rear securing screw
44.6c . . . and rear securing screw

7 Refitting is a reversal of removal.

Short console
8 Prise out the blanking plug, and remove the rear console securing screw.

9 On automatic transmission models, lift out the console tray mat and remove the front two console securing screws.

10 On manual gearbox models, prise out the blanking plugs and remove the front two console securing screws.

11 Withdraw the console over the gear selector lever, at the same time releasing the rubber gaiter where applicable.

Models from 1990
12 Remove the switch assembly (after disconnecting the battery negative lead), or remove the blanking plate from the gear lever surround, as applicable.

13 Remove the securing screw from the gear lever surround, and withdraw the gear lever surround from the console by releasing the two securing clips.

14 Remove the seven console securing screws (see illustration).

44.14 Centre console components - models from 1990
44.14 Centre console components - models from 1990

A Screw
B Screw cover
C Gear lever surround
D Blanking plate
E Centre console

15 Chock the rear wheels, then release the handbrake lever.

16 Jack up the vehicle and support it on axle stands (see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”).

Disconnect the handbrake equaliser from the linkage on the underbody.

17 Raise the handbrake lever fully, and lift the console over the handbrake lever.

18 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but on completion, check the handbrake/cable adjustment.

Overhead console - removal and refitting

1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.

2 Open the sunroof.

3 On models with a manually-operated sunroof, remove the sunroof handle securing screw, then withdraw the handle and trim plate.

4 On models with an electric sunroof, remove the operating switch.

5 Remove the courtesy lamp, if necessary, then remove the two screws from the front of the console (see illustration).

45.5 Overhead console securing screws (A)
45.5 Overhead console securing screws (A)

6 Remove the two screws securing the rear of the console to the sunroof flange, and withdraw the console.

7 Refitting is a reversal of removal.

    See also:

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